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Can Glass Partition Walls Help Reduce Noise?

14 Dec 2023

A regular glass partition wall can reduce noise levels in indoor areas to some extent. While most glass partitions may not provide the same level of sound insulation as solid walls, they can still contribute to sound control in commercial or residential spaces. If you require complete soundproofing, you should consider acoustic glass, which is specially manufactured for this purpose. You can enjoy reduced noise disturbances with a glass partition wall that has the following features:

Extra Thickness

The thickness of a glass partition wall can considerably contribute to noise reduction. Naturally, thicker glass panels dampen noise levels much better than thinner panels, unless they are specifically designed for soundproofing. Consumer-grade glass panels are available in thicknesses ranging from 8mm to 12mm, or more if made to order. In addition to reducing noise transmissions, thicker glass panels can also offer more stability, which will be ideal for use in certain commercial environments. For example, a thick shop-front glass panel will be perfect for stores that have to deal with window shoppers who tap on the glass. 

Double Glazing

Double glazing refers to the use of two glass panels, instead of just one as usual. Double glazing is commonly used in glass doors and windows to increase insulation. For glass partition walls, the additional layer helps dampen audible vibrations, creating an effect akin to soundproofing. Double-glazed partitions are installed across tracks, and you can select how far apart these tracks are. In addition to enjoying sleek looks, you can increase privacy levels by placing blinds between the panels. For excellent sound reduction, we recommend buying thicker glass panels for double glazing. 


Glass partitions are available with or without frames depending on the preferred design choices. While frameless partitions are great for creating stunning, seamless looks, a framed partition, or even a framed shop-front glass panel, may help you cut down on the noise in indoor areas. Some materials found in the framing system can better absorb sound and vibrations, contributing to quieter environments. Well-designed frames made from aluminium or steel, which have good acoustic properties, are better than plastic at dissipating noise.

Proper Sealing

In addition to materials and thickness, proper installation plays a crucial role in determining the sound-dampening effect of glass partition walls. Ideally, to optimally minimise noise leakages, the wall structure should be adequately sealed with no air holes. A precise installation eliminates gaps and misalignments in glass partitions, which not only helps noise reduction but ensures the stability and integrity of the structure. Therefore, always have your glass partition walls expertly installed with an experienced supplier, like Gama Resources. 

Find Soundproof Glass Partitions in Singapore with Gama Resources

Get in touch with Gama Resources, a leading glass panel supplier in Singapore, to explore more options for reducing noises with glass partitions. We offer glass partition walls and panels in various types, sizes, and thickness levels to suit environments where peace and quiet are essential. If you require complete soundproofing, ask us about procuring acoustic glass panels. We may be able to facilitate a special order to suit your needs.
